Monday, July 23, 2012

8PM on Saturday--4PM on Monday Cape Town Time

I've finally arrived safe and sound at CasaSito in Antigua, a little late but, here I am.  The plane rides were okay--I must not have chosen my seats online because I was in the middle on both 11+ hours flights.  The transition in Mexico City was chaos--after spending an hour trying to get through customs just to recheck my bag and get on the plane again, there were no monitors that had my flight information on them!   So I tried to go through security and they told me my flight was leaving from a different terminal that I had to take a train to! With only 30 minutes until my flight was scheduled to take off I had to wait 10 minutes for the train...while I was waiting for the train I finally found my flight on the screen but it didn't show what gate it was leaving from.  Arriving at the other terminal my gate was finally posted and it still said it was on time so I was really worried I'd miss it--I had 15 minutes.  Then I had to have my bag searched at security for liquids and I ran to the terminal to find a mass of several hundred people waiting at the counters.  I thought for sure I'd miss my flight then but, when I finally reached the guard, he said my flight wasn't boarding yet.  As it turns out, they have one gate full of buses to reach different planes but they only board one plane at a time so all of those people were waiting for different flights to Acupulco, Guatemala, San Lucas del Cabo, etc. etc.  Phew.  At least I made it and I promptly fell asleep when I got to my seat a half hour later, waking up only to hear that we weren't able to land in the city because the pilot couldn't see the runway.  So, we circled the city for a while waiting for a clear shot at the runway.  So my flight that was supposed to arrive at 10:40 actually arrived at 11:40 and my ride was ready and waiting to get home on a dreary, rainy night.  Then...arriving in Antigua at 1:20AM  (now 9:20 in the morning Cape Town time...people were already at their volunteer placements), there was not answer at the CasaSito door.  We stood in the rain knocking and ringing the bell for a few minutes before giving up and going to a hotel associated with the shuttle company.  They were accommodating and got me right to a room but only had Q200 rooms available (when I was planning to pay Q80 at CasaSito).  It was nice to be in a bed finally!   This morning, I waited until 7 for the hot water to come on as the posted sign said but it wasn't there.  Then, I thought I'd use the internet while I was waiting but it wouldn't connect.  So, I was really thankful to see my friend who owns the hotel come to help me with my luggage and he offered me a ride to CasaSito.  Well, here I am, 44 hours later, comfortable and ready to meet with Alice before I catch my shuttle up to Coban.  Talking with other volunteers at the house, I'm excited to be back and look forward to settling in for the next 6 weeks to learn Q'eqchi' while meeting people in Coban and processing my experiences in Cape Town.

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