Thursday, April 26, 2012

I'm off again!

I'm headed off on another summer adventure! This time, to two destinations including a new continent for me--Africa!

I will spend the first 12 weeks this summer as an intern with Cross Cultural Solutions in Cape Town, South Africa. This is my second field placement for my Master's program. I will help with their program evaluations and other work that needs to be done in the CCS office. I'm looking forward to this experience because I am particularly interested in the impact that international service has on volunteers and hosting communities. 


Outside of my internship, I look forward to waddling with penguins, swimming with sharks, and going on a safari!

My mailing address in Cape Town will be: South Africa Mailing Address: Cross-Cultural Solutions-Post-net Suite #3 Private Bag XII Mowbray, 7705, CT, South Africa 

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Then, at the end of July, I fly directly to Guatemala to study Q'eqchi' in Coban for 6 weeks, supported by the U.S. Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship. This new language will allow me to better communicate with Sa Nima's community partners and will help me as I prepare a Fulbright Fellowship application to evaluate volunteer impact in Guatemala next year.


I'll be studying at Muqb'ilb'e School ( during the week and visiting Samox on the weekends.  I also hope to start to meet some potential NGO partners for my Fulbright research next year and maybe sit in on some social work classes at Universidad Rafael Landivar.


Post a comment with your address and I'll send a postcard your way!

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